Friday, June 14, 2013

Open Wound

Fathers' day is an odd juxtiposition in our househould, a warm feeling of having five kids, against the feeling that your father is no longer here (Kevins' father). Since my minor surgery my wound hasnt fully closed and they have tried many things to help "reduce scar" appearance. I suppose thats a metaphor for the loss of someone so close, a wound in your heart. Another realistic wound is the fact that someday, some fathers day, our children just may, want to look for their "real dad", OUCH. Tonight Bryce said "Mommy the kids at school laughed at me when I said I had a belly mommy too", I paused and then said "Well honey maybe they would understand better if you said you were adopted, or maybe you dont need to say anything really". I never met my father in law, and in some ways, he did not meet this Kevin. Father of five, dedicated husband..... Im going to embarrass him, and make him bait for my girlfriends to fight over, but the letter I came home to tonight read this:

"How about I get YOU the fathers day card? I mean you are the sole reason I became a dad in the first place. The single biggest fear I had in my life prior to meeting you was being a father, the thought terrified me, and yet it has been the easiest thing for me. From the first night that we picked up Lilly and Theo at the ER it was just natural, they needed a bottle I fed them, they needed food, I made it. Diaper change, no problem, one more kid? No worries! Another kid, sure. Oh you are pregnant, awesome! I wish other things in my life was so comfortable.

I have enjoyed every crazy challenge these kids have thrown at us. Being their Father is a responsibility I take seriously while still having fun. I love taking them out by myself searching for lost treasure, dinosaur bones, turtles at midnight, because I truly enjoy all of this with them, even when they are driving us crazy.

So thank you for making me a dad and being a great parent alongside of me. All I want for fathers day is to be their Dad and maybe get a starbucks that morning too. Thank you.

I love you,

Not bad for a guy who wanted to never get married or have kids. Every once and a while my baby will gaze up at something and I will whisper "thats your grandpa Dave baby, say hi Jace". A man I never met but I am sure pulled some major strings to get us where we are.

Happy Fathers day to my dad, Kevin, and Dave. Also to our Pops who the kids love as well for embracing us as we come (loud and ruckus)......

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